Ski & Snowboard Training

About the Program

This program was designed for healthy individuals looking to train for an upcoming winter season. You should allow for a minimum of 6 weeks leading up to the beginning of your season to ensure adequate training time. This content is intended for viewers who have attended our training seminars. For more information on this program please contact: This program was designed by Mitch Owens MsPT and Kristen Vaughan DPT of Union PT, and Mandie Majerus MsPT of Lake Washington PT in Kirkland WA. Please read the following disclaimer:

Always consult your physician or physical therapist before beginning any exercise program. The general information we are providing here is not meant to substitute or replace a healthcare professional. If you think you have a health emergency or experience increased pain please call your doctor or 911 immediately. We make no representations or warranties concerning any usage of the information here and will not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, exemplary losses or damages that may result. Reliance on any information contained in these videos is strictly at your own risk.

Skihab Worksheet

Self Assessment

Benchmarks to be acieved for each activity are contained in the video description.

Phase I (weeks 1-2)

Perform these exercises 2-3 days a week

Phase II (weeks 3-4)

  • You must achieve the mobility benchmarks established by the self assessment videos to progress to phase II
  • You must perform a minimum of 2 weeks of resistance training prior to beginning phase II
  • Warm up: pick 1 mobility from Phase I and 1 strength from Phase I
  • Perform these exercises 2 days a week Active recovery like stretching and low impact cardio on off days is recommended

Phase III (weeks 5-6)

  • You must have completed 2 weeks of Phase II to progress into Phase III
  • Warm Up: 1 Phase I mobility, 1 Phase I strength and 2 Phase II Multiplanar Strength

In Season Training

  • 1 phase I mobility, 1 phase II strength
  • 2 days a week

When to Seek Care

  • Pain that persists longer than 2-4 weeks.
  • Pain that is associated with a detectable loss in strength, power, or motion.
  • Pain associated with audible clunking and crackling.
  • A knee trauma that is associated with a signficant amount of swelling with the first 48 hrs.
  • Pain that is associated with pain that radiates down into your bottock or leg.
  • Pain that increases with coughing or sneezing.
  • Pain that is constant and does not change based on positions of rest or activity.
  • Pain associated with a fever.